How To Become A Language Professional

How To Become A
Language Professional

Where do I start my career as a language professional?

South Africa’s multilingual environment makes the language industry a crucial building block of our society. However, building a successful career in language practice requires a great deal of commitment. It takes more than just speaking or using one or more languages.


Where do I start my career as a language professional?

South Africa’s multilingual environment makes the language industry a crucial building block of our society. However, building a successful career in language practice requires a great deal of commitment. It takes more than just speaking or using one or more languages.



The starting point for a career in languages is proper formal language training. Below follows a list of the formal language qualifications available from South African tertiary institutions.


Once formal training has been completed, it is advisable to find a mentor as you enter the industry, be it formally or informally. Putting theory into practice can be a steep learning curve.


When you have become established, language professionals should always be on the look-out for opportunities to grow. Language professionals happy to go beyond their comfort zone to become life-long learners will always be in high demand. See the list of short courses available to language professionals in South Africa to help them keep their toolboxes up to date.


Language professionals often work on a freelance basis. This means being proactive and mastering networking skills in order to find opportunities and build a career. Joining associations for language professionals such as SATI establishes a very important connection with the rest of the industry. SATI offers opportunities for continued development and networking. Also see our affiliate links for other organisations that may be of benefit to language professionals.


Many of those entering the language profession do so after having a previous career in another field. Past experience in another industry can be an asset in your role as a language professional, but a language career requires dedication and investment in time and resources to learn your languages, to master the source and target cultures, your domain specialisms, and the latest language technologies.



The following offer short courses for purposes of brushing-up or specialisation on an ad hoc basis:

The Language Centre, Stellenbosch University

The Language Centre at Stellenbosch University offers a wide variety of specialised communication courses covering reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in the broadest sense of the word.

Customised short courses and workshops include thought leadership, the latest knowledge, emerging trends and blended learning.

You can learn how to master effective office communication and documentation, write and design functional forms and reports, craft confident presentations, engage with social media, and more.

You will walk away with a SU certificate as proof of your newly acquired skills once you’ve completed your course successfully.

Contact Michelle Pieters at or 021 808 2812 or visit

Contact Michelle Pieters at or 021 808 2812 or visit

Wits Plus (Pty) Ltd.

The Wits Language School offers a range of short courses in interpreting and translation.

Contact Margorie van Schalkwyk on 011 717 3759 or


The Translation and Interpreting Practice programme

The Translation and Interpreting Practice programme at the Durban University of Technology offers short courses in isiZulu Basic Communication and South African Sign Language Basic Conversation.

Contact Ms Barbara Ndlela on (031) 373- 6804 or

The Department of Afrikaans & Dutch

The Department of Afrikaans & Dutch at Stellenbosch University offers various semester courses at NQF level 8 – a bachelors degree is required to qualify for the courses:

Translation Methodology; Translation Practice (Afr-Eng, Eng-Afr, Eng-Xhosa);
Literary Translation (Afr-Eng and Eng-Afr as one course);
Editing Methodology;
Editing practice (Afrikaans, English, Xhosa)

Presentation of the courses is subject to sufficient interest.
The Editing Methodology and Translation Methodology courses have to be passed before students may register for the practical courses.

Contact: Dr Amanda Lourens on 021 808 2160 or at


McGillivray Linnegar Associates

McGillivray Linnegar Associates offers courses in editing, proofreading and related fields.

See for details or contact Ken McGillivray at or on 021 813 9414


Training in translation, interpreting and editing is offered at the institutions below as indicated. Further information on the various courses should be obtained direct from the institutions.

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
• BA Honours (Applied Languages)
• MA (Applied Language Studies)
• MA (Applied Language Studies) Research
• DLitt (Applied Languages)

School of Language, Media & Culture
Contact: Dr Hilda Israel
Tel: 0824495945
Postal address: School of Language, Media & Culture, NMMU, PO Box 77000, Port Elizabeth, 6030

North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus)

North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus)
• Language Practice is offered as a three-year undergraduate module that can be taken as part of various programmes

School of Languages
Contact: Dr Herculene Kotzé
Tel: 018 299 150
Postal address: School of Languages, Internal Box 395, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, Private Bag X6001, Potchefstroom, 2520

North-West University (Vaal Triangle Campus)

North-West University (Vaal Triangle Campus)
• Three-year BA in Language Practice
• BA Honours in Language Practice – specialising in editing, translation, subtitling and interpreting
• MA in Language Practice
• PhD in Language Practice

School of Languages
Contact: Ms. Law
Telephone: 016 910 3508
Postal address: The Campus Registrar, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, PO Box 1174, Vanderbijlpark, 1900

Stellenbosch University

Stellenbosch University
• Postgraduate Diploma in Translation
• Honours in Translation
• MA in Translation
• PhD in Translation
• MA in Lexicography
• PhD in Lexicography
• Various short courses

Department of Afrikaans & Dutch
Contact: Prof Ilse Feinauer
Tel: 021 808 2162
Postal address: Dept of Afrikaans & Dutch, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602

SU short courses
All at NQF level 8. Admission requirement: Any B degree
• Translation Methodology
• Translation Practice (Afr-Eng, Eng-Afr, Eng-Xhosa)
• Interpreting Methodology
• Interpreting Practice (Afr-Eng and Eng-Afr as one course)
• Literary Translation (Afr-Eng and Eng-Afr as one course)
• Editing Methodology
• Editing Practice (Afrikaans, English, Xhosa)
Note: Presentation of the courses is subject to sufficient interest. The Editing Methodology and Translation Methodology courses have to be passed before students may register for the practical courses.
Contact: Dr Amanda Lourens
Tel: 021 808 2160

University of Johannesburg

University of Johannesburg
• BA Language Practice
• BA Honours in Applied Linguistics (with specialisation in translation, interpreting and text editing)
• MA in Applied Linguistics
• PhD in Applied Linguistics
Department of Languages, Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics, School of Languages
Contact: Prof. Eleanor Cornelius or Prof. Marné Pienaar
Tel: 011 559 2694
Postal address: Dept of Languages, Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics, School of Languages
University of Johannesburg, PO Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006


• Bachelor of Arts (Languages and Literature) Modern Languages: Major in French/ Portuguese/ Mandarin Chinese
• BA Honours in Linguistics
• BA Honours in Translation Studies
• BA Honours in Applied Linguistics
• BA Honours in Modern Languages (French/ Portuguese)
• MA in Linguistics
• MA in Applied Linguistics
• MA in French
• MA in Linguistics – Translation Studies
• MA in Portuguese
• D Litt. et Phil in Linguistics
• D Litt. et Phil in Linguistics – Translation Studies
• D Litt. et Phil in French
• D Litt. et Phil in Portuguese
Informal training
As part of our community engagement we offer the following workshops free of charge in and outside Pretoria.
1. Interpreting workshop (3-5 days). If you have a group of 10 to 15 participants please contact Mr Sam Lebese at
The focus is on basic interpreting skills.
2. Editing/Translation workshop (one day workshop). The workshop is tailored according to the needs of your team. If you have a group of 10 to 15 participants please contact Amanda Nokele at

Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages Contact: Prof. Koliswa Moropa (Department Chair)
Tel: 012 429 8678
Secretary: 012 429 6316

Mr Seun Tshabangu (Postgraduate Admin Officer)
Tel: 012 429 6261
Postal address: Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, Unisa, P O Box 392, UNISA, 0003

University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)

University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
• Undergraduate course: ‘Translation and Intercultural Communication’ This course can be taken either as part of certain majors, or for non-degree purposes.

Contact: Prof. Ileana Dimitriu
Tel: 031 260 2316
• Undergraduate module: Translation and Interpreting
• Honours level module: Translation and Interpreting
Offered by the African Languages discipline, School of Arts
These modules can be taken either as part of certain majors, on completion of a first degree (for Honours) or for non-degree purposes
Contact: Dr Lolie Makhubu-Badenhorst
Tel: 031 260 7518

University of Limpopo

University of Limpopo
(Turfloop Campus)
• BA Translation Studies & Linguistics
• BA Honours in Translation Studies and Linguistics.
• MA in Translation Studies & Linguistics: Three specialisations: 1. Linguistics, 2. Translation, 3. Interpreting
• PhD in Translation Studies or in Linguistics

Department of Translation Studies and Linguistics
Contact: Dr Mogale Johannes Rammala
Tel: 015 268 3174
Postal address: Dept of Translation Studies and Linguistics, Private Bag X1106, Sovenga, Limpopo, 0727

Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT)

Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT)
• Diploma: Language Practice and Media Studies
• B. Tech: Language Practice
• Master of Communication in Language Practice
• Doctor of Communication in language Practice

Contact: Ms Nelia Oberholzer
Tel: 051 507 3327
Postal address: The Registrar, Central University of Technology, Free State, Private Bag X20539, Bloemfontein, 9300

University of the Free State

University of the Free State
• BA (Language Practice)
• BA Hons (Language Practice – now including a module in editing)
• MA (Language Practice)
• PhD (Language Practice)
• BA Hons (Linguistics)
• MA (Linguistics)
• PhD (Linguistics)
Department of Linguistics & Language Practice
Contact: Prof J. Marais
Tel: 051 401 2798
Postal address: Department of Linguistics & Language Practice (IB 27), University of the Free State, PO Box 339, Bloemfontein, 9300

University of the Witwatersrand

University of the Witwatersrand

Postgraduate Diploma in Translation and Interpreting (Specialising in Translation OR Interpreting)

  • BA Honours in Translation
  • BA Honours in Interpreting
  • MA in Translation (Specialising in Translation OR Interpreting)
  • PhD in Translation
  • PhD in Interpreting

All official South African languages are offered including SASL. Foreign languages are catered for according to demand and include all major European languages plus Arabic and Mandarin.

Department of Translation & Interpreting Studies, School of Literature, Language and Media
Contact: Dr Natasha Parkins-Maliko & Prof Alice Leal
Tel: 011 717 4265

The following short courses can be taken through the Wits Language School:
• Principles and Practice of Translation
• Principles and Practice of Interpreting
• Conference Interpreting Skills
• Specialised Conference Interpreting Skills
• Professional Language Enhancement
Contact:Mr Eugene Mathey
Tel: 011 717 3771/3770

Tshwane University of Technology (TUT)

Tshwane University of Technology (TUT)
• NDip: Language Practice
• BTech: Language Practice
• MTech: Language Practice
• DTech: Language Practice

Department of Applied Languages
Contact: Cate Nkuna
Tel: 012 382 9391
Postal address: Department of Applied Languages, Tshwane University of Technology, Private Bag X680, Pretoria, 0001

Durban University of Technology (DUT)

Durban University of Technology (DUT)
• NDip: Translation and Interpreting Practice
• NDip: Language Practice
• BTech: Language Practice
• BTech: Translation and Interpreting Practice
• Master of Language Practice
• PhD in Language Practice

Department of Language & Translation
Contact: Ms Barbara Ndlela
Tel: 031 373 6804
Postal address: Dept of Language & Translation, ML Sultan Campus, Durban University of Technology, PO Box 1334, Durban, 4000
